Resep: Donat Homemade Yang Sempurna

Donat Homemade. Grease a large bowl with cooking spray and set aside. In a small, microwave-safe bowl or glass measuring cup, add milk. The doughnut is popular in many.

Donat Homemade Find top-rated recipes for cake doughnuts, yeast-raised donuts, crullers, and fritters. Check out our best glazed, jelly and powdered donuts! A doughnut or donut is a type of fried dough confectionery or dessert food. You can cook Donat Homemade using 10 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Donat Homemade

  1. Prepare 750 kg of gandum segitiga biru.
  2. It’s 1/4 of gula pasir.
  3. You need 2 cangkir of Aqua cup air.
  4. You need 1 bungkus of ragi (me: ragi Vita).
  5. You need 2 butir of telur ayam.
  6. You need 1 bungkus of mentega (me: blue band).
  7. It’s of Toping.
  8. You need of Coklat batang (me:dicairkan).
  9. Prepare of Keju cheddar.
  10. It’s of Meises ceres.

The doughnut is popular in many countries and prepared in various forms as a sweet snack that can be homemade or purchased. Prepare a piping bag fitted with a round piping tip (alternatively, snip off just the tip of a corner of a ziploc bag and add piping tip to bag so it comes partially through the hole). The Greatest Homemade Doughnut Recipes You'll Ever Find.. On National Doughnut Day, a food holiday of the utmost importance, we want everyone to embrace the joy of this pastry and make as many doughnuts at home, from scratch, as possible.

Donat Homemade instructions

  1. Siapkan wadah baskom masukan telur, gula, ragi, air, di mixer dengan kecepatan rendah aduk aduk hingga semua bahan menyatu dan halus. Kemudian aduk aduk dengan whisk lalu tambahkan gandum sedikit demi sedikit kemudian tambahkan mentega yang sudah dicairkan lalu aduk aduk bersama adonan tambahkan lagi gandum sedikit demi sedikit hingga terbentuk menjadi adonan setelah menjadi adonan bentuk Donan menjadi bulat / cetak Donan menjadi bulat. Kemudian diamkan hingga donat mengembang..
  2. Setelah donat mengembang goreng donat hingga garing lalu beri toping sesuai selera bisa coklat, meises Ceres atau coklat Ceres, keju, dll. Donat siap disajikan..
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While we admit that this is a lot more work than driving to your local. Homemade Doughnuts – Easy, Tasty & Quick recipe, Homemade Donut Recipes, Fried donuts Recipe. I don't know anyone that can resist a donut! What's not to love about light and fluffy, crispy-fried dough coated in sweet glaze or cinnamon sugar? My homemade donut recipe for No-Yeast Donuts makes this irresistible treat something anyone can make at home, by hand, and without any special ingredients or professional tools.

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