Resep: OMURICE SAUS BBQ – #MasakanRumah yang maknyus

OMURICE SAUS BBQ – #MasakanRumah. Fried Rice Tomato Sauce with Omelette and Demiglace sauce. Omurice is a Japanese favourite consisting of omelette covering a bed of fried rice slathered in sweet and savoury ketchup sauce. This particular version involves a generous dose of rich and flavourful demi-glace sauce that works perfectly with the fluffy omelette and ketchup-filled beef fried rice inside.

OMURICE SAUS BBQ - #MasakanRumah It's surprisingly easy to make at home. Here are two recipes—one with ketchup, the other with okonomiyaki sauce—to get you started. Omurice (오므라이스) is fried rice wrapped in egg omelette. Bunda dapat menyiapkan OMURICE SAUS BBQ – #MasakanRumah menggunakan 24 bumbu dan dalam 10 tahapan. Begini cara mamasak santapannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan OMURICE SAUS BBQ – #MasakanRumah

  1. Bunda dapat of Bahan & Bumbu Omurice: 🍜 Nasi.
  2. Siapkan of 🍜 Sosis.
  3. Ini Stick of 🍜 Crab.
  4. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Telur.
  5. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Daun Bawang.
  6. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Seledri.
  7. Ini of 🍜 Bawang Putih.
  8. Siapkan of 🍜 Bawang Bombay.
  9. Ini of 🍜 Gula.
  10. Ini of 🍜 Saus Tiram.
  11. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Bubuk Kari.
  12. Ini of 🍜 Kecap Asin.
  13. Siapkan of 🍜 Lada Bubuk.
  14. Siapkan of 🍜 Minyak Wijen.
  15. Siapkan of 🍜 Canola Oil.
  16. Ini of Bahan & Bumbu Saus BBQ:.
  17. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Saus BBQ.
  18. Siapkan of 🍜 Kacang Polong.
  19. Siapkan of 🍜 Bawang Putih.
  20. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Bawang Bombay.
  21. Ini of 🍜 Lada Bubuk.
  22. Bunda dapat of 🍜 Garam.
  23. Siapkan of 🍜 Air.
  24. Ini of 🍜 Butter.

It's a fusion dish that combines Asian fried rice with Western omelette and ketchup. The dish started in Japan and spread to other Asian countries, including Korea. Japanese Western-influenced cuisine known as "yoshoku" reimagines popular Western ingredients with Japanese staples. A particularly popular dish called omurice—a contraction of 'omelet' and 'rice'—is a perfect example.

Langkah-langkah OMURICE SAUS BBQ – #MasakanRumah

  1. Cara Membuat Omurice: 🍳 Oles teflon/ wajan dg minyak, dadar telur yg telah diberi saos tiram, lada & garam, sisihkan.
  2. 🍳 Iris semua bahan, cincang bawang putih & bawang bombay lalu tumis hingga harum.
  3. 🍳 Masukkan minyak wijen, sosis, crab stick, daun bawang & seledri, tumis hingga layu.
  4. 🍳 Tambahkan nasi & bumbu sesuai selera, aduk merata hingga matang.
  5. 🍳 Tempatkan telur dadar pada mangkok, isi dg nasi & pepatkan.
  6. 🍳Ambil piring, tutup bagian mangkok yg terbuka dg piring dan balik.
  7. Cara Membuat Saus BBQ: 🍳 Tumis bawang bombay & bawang putih yg sdh dicincang hingga harum.
  8. 🍳 Tambahkan kacang polong, tumis sebentar.
  9. 🍳 Masukkan saus BBQ, bumbu & sedikit air, masak hingga kacang polong empuk/ saus agak mengental.
  10. 🍳 Siram omurice yg sudah dibentuk dg saus BBQ, sajikan.
BACA JUGA  Resep: Kimchi Bokkeumbab (Nasi Goreng Kimchi) yang luar biasa

Now days, there are so many different kinds of Omurice out there with unique fried rices and sauces but the classic version is tomato/ketchup based chicken fired rice wrapped with egg omelet topped with ketchup. This Easy Omurice Recipe is a delicious way to mix up your egg routine. Inspired by the Japanese Omurice, I make my own version of this Japanese Omelet Rice simple, easy, and tasty, with quick-cooking rice, shredded chicken, eggs, and plenty of veggies flavored with sesame oil, soy sauce, and ketchup! You can simply use ketchup for dressing, but the sauce we are going to make completes the authentic omurice! Melt butter in a sauce pan, over medium-high heat, add garlic and mushroom and sauté them.

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