Cara Termudah Untuk Menyiapkan Donat Yang Enak

Donat. Donat Mg. благотворно влияет на пищеварение и устраняет изжогу благодаря высокому Воздействие Donat Mg на пищеварение также подтверждается результатами недавних. Donat Mg mineral water helps with digestion problems, provides the body with magnesium, gives energy and improves overall wellbeing. Donat Mg clinically proven to stimulate digestion. chto-takoe-donat/.

Donat It helps with constipation problems, heartburn and magnesium deficiency problems. You can cook Donat using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Donat

  1. It’s 260 gram of tepung terigu pro tinggi.
  2. You need 60 gram of gula pasir.
  3. It’s 5 gram of ragi instant.
  4. It’s 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
  5. Prepare 2 of kuning telur + air dingin kulkas timbang 150 gram.
  6. It’s of masukan setelah kalis.
  7. It’s 30 gram of margarine.

Donat step by step

  1. Campur terigu + gula pasir+ragi+susu bubuk + air.mixer sampai rata.
  2. Masukan margarin mixer ampe kalis.
  3. Bagi2 adonan bulat2kan. ampe hbs. lubangi pake jari telunjuk.diam kan 20menit.
  4. Lalu goreng.

BACA JUGA  Resep: Donat Jco Menul Menul tanpa rahasia Yang Sempurna

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