Resep: Donat simple no ribet2 Yang Terenak

Donat simple no ribet2. Lihat juga resep Donat ubi jalar merah ala "food processor vienta" enak lainnya! Lihat juga resep Donat Empuk Menul takaran sendok makan enak lainnya! #donutrecipe #homemadedoughnuts #homemadedonutrecipes #frieddonutsrecipe #simpledonutsrecipe A doughnut or donut is a type of fried dough famous dessert food. The doughnut is popular in many.

Donat simple no ribet2 Homemade Doughnuts – Easy, Tasty & Quick recipe, Homemade Donut Recipes, Fried donuts Recipe. Donat Kepang simpel Apa aja bahan dan cara pembuatannya Simak videonya sampai habis ya Bun Tag : #donatkepang #donatsimpel #donatkepangmudah #donat donat empuk kentang donat empuk tanpa kentang. BOMBOLONI DONAT EMPUK No mixer, cocok untuk Jualan !!. You can cook Donat simple no ribet2 using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Donat simple no ribet2

  1. Prepare 350 grm of terigu cakra.
  2. It’s 4 sdm of gula.
  3. Prepare 7 grm of fermipan.
  4. It’s 175 ml of air hangat.
  5. It’s 1 bks of susu bubuk.
  6. It’s 1 butir of telur.
  7. Prepare 45 grm of mentega.
  8. Prepare secukupnya of minyak goreng/minyak padat.
  9. Prepare sesuai selera of topping.

You can scale it down – or up – as you need! If you're looking for a quick and easy and perfect-every-time baked donut recipe, here you go. It can be made in one bowl and is a small enough batch, it's just right for a last-minute donut craving. How Do You Make Homemade Donuts?

Donat simple no ribet2 step by step

  1. Larutkan fermipan campur 1sdm gula di tambah air sampai berbusa.
  2. Di wadah lain campurkan terigu, gula, susu bubuk aduk2 tambahkan telur.
  3. Setelah rata masukkan fermipan yg sudah berbusa tadi uleni.
  4. Terakhir tambahkan margarin uleni sampai kalis lalu diamkan selama 1jam di tutup serbet basah.
  5. Setelah mengembang bagi adonan jdi beberapa bagian lalu lubangi tengahnya dgn jari/cetakan donat.
  6. Panaskan minyak, setelah minyak panas goreng sampai matang, lalu angkat setelah dingin berikan topping sesuai selera..
BACA JUGA  Resep: Donat maizena 🥯 Yang Yummy

My donut recipe is super simplified as it requires no yeast, is made entirely by hand, and shallow fried as opposed to deep fried. I know it may sound too good to be true but this recipe is absolutely foolproof. My daughter wanted donuts because it is National Donut Day! I used the smaller cookie scoop and it helped with the size.. Made it today and wanted to blog this basic eggless doughnut recipe.

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