Resep: Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts) Yang Yummy

Resep: Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts) Yang Yummy

Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts). This recipe is low in fat. Show full nutritional data (including Weight Watcher's Points ®, cholesterol, sodium, vitamins, and diabetic exchanges) more recipes like thai donuts (pa thong ko) Deep-fried dough stick is called Pa Thong Ko in Thailand. In the morning you can easily find them being made by street vendors (see pictures below, and as part of our walking tour of Saochingcha's sidewalk good eats) and they're very inexpensive.

Resep: Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts) Yang Yummy If you've ever been to Thailand you will have seen the street vendors selling these treats at breakfast time!. Pa Thong Ko – Thai Donuts / Doughnuts. Dab a little water in the centre of each piece & stick. You can cook Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts) using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts)

  1. You need 120 gr of tepung terigu serba guna.
  2. It’s 1 sdt of ragi instant.
  3. It’s 1 sdt of gula pasir.
  4. You need 1/8 sdt of soda kue.
  5. Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
  6. Prepare 100 ml of air (kurang lebih).
  7. It’s of Minyak untuk menggoreng.

Yong Boonphitak, owner of Thai Esan & Noodle House, showed me how to make Pa Thong Ko at Wat Dhammabucha Buddhist Temple. These scrumptious fried dough sticks taste like donuts and are served with. In Thailand street vendors sell these at dawn and in the evening with syrupy sweet Thai coffee. Dipped in Sweetened Condensed Milk or Green Pandan Sauce these little fried breads are devilishly delicious hot out of the wok.

Pa Thong Ko (Thai style Donuts) step by step

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahannya.
  2. Dalam baskom, campur tepung terigu, gula, garam, ragi, soda kue, aduk rata.
  3. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit, (sy hanya menghabiskan sekitar 70ml air) ulen sampai kalis. Istirahatkan sambil ditutup serbet lembab, 1 jam sampai adonan mengembang 2x.
  4. Setelah 1 jam kempiskan adonan, uleni lg sebentar, gilas sampai ketebalan sekitar 1cm dan lebarnya 7-10cm. Lalu potong-potong selebar 1cm..
  5. Rekatkan 2 buah potongan di bagian tengah dengan air, lakukan sampai habis..
  6. Goreng dalam minyak yg sudah dipanaskan dengan api kecil sampai kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan..
  7. Sajikan hangat-hangat dengan cocolan sesuai selera, misalnya: selai, coklat, atau susu kental manis. Bisa jg dengan taburan gula halus. Atau dinikmati polos dengan kopi, minuman coklat atau teh manis panas..
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Use this ready-made Patongco Mix from Tippy brand to quickly prepare. Deep-fried dough stick is called Pa Thong Ko in Thailand. I found them at the Chiang Mai Gate Night Market. It was one of my dinners. I wasn't sure what to order so I observed what other people did.

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