Resep: Donat Menul Menul Yang Terenak

Donat Menul Menul. We keep the coffee fresh, hot and self-serve all day long so you can fix it to your liking. Or, treat yourself with an order from our Espresso Menu, available at select locations. A number of factors may affect the actual nutrition values for each product and, as such Krispy Kreme Doughnuts cannot guarantee the nutrition information provided on this site is perfect.

Donat Menul Menul We freshly bake our donuts in small batches throughout the day in our Restaurants. Our bakers hand-dip, glaze and sprinkle each donut with care. Available by the dozen, or half-dozen or on their own, our donuts are sure to be the perfect complement to your cup of coffee. You can have Donat Menul Menul using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Donat Menul Menul

  1. You need 250 gr of tepung terigu protein tinggi.
  2. You need 125 ml of air hangat.
  3. It’s 2 1/2 sdm of gula pasir.
  4. It’s 1 butir of kuning telur.
  5. It’s 50 gr of margarin/mentega, cairkan, dinginkan.
  6. Prepare of Gula halus untuk taburan.
  7. Prepare 3 gr of atau 1 sdt ragi instant.
  8. It’s 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
  9. It’s of Minyak untuk menggoreng.

View Dunkin'® Food and Drink Menu. From coffee, donuts, sandwiches and more, Dunkin'® has everything you need to keep on running. We freshly bake our donuts in small batches throughout the day in our Restaurants. Our bakers hand-dip, glaze and sprinkle each donut with care.

Donat Menul Menul step by step

  1. Siapkan wadah,masukkan terigu, susu, ragi, telur, gula pasir dan air. Aduk menggunakan mixer sampai setengah kalis.
  2. Masukan mentega, aduk kembali dengan mixer sampai adonan tidak lengket lagi dan kalis elastis. (Jika ditarik adonan tidak mudah putus). Istirahatkan adonan selama 5 menit dan tutup dengan plastik wrap..
  3. Bagi dan timbang adonan berbentuk bulat, masing-masing beratnya 40gram, letakkan di atas kertas baking yang sudah dipotong sesuai ukuran bulatan dan ditaburi terigu..
  4. Tutup dengan kain bersih, diamkan lagi sampai mengembang 2 kali lipat. Lubangi tengahnya dgn tutup botol atau spuit..
  5. Panaskan minyak yang banyak di kuali yang besar. Goreng donat dengan api kecil-sedang, hanya boleh sekali dibalik yaah, agar sempurna matangnya..
  6. Angkat dan tiriskan. Lalu tabukan gula halus atau beri toping sesuai selera..
BACA JUGA  Bagaimana Cara Memasak Donat montok tanpa telur 🍩 Yang Yummy

Available by the dozen, or half-dozen or on their own, our donuts are sure to be the perfect complement to your cup of coffee. Home Menu Dunkin' Donuts Menu Prices. Dunkin' Donuts Menu Dunkin' Donuts Nutrition. Bacon, Egg & Cheese Go the extra mile by bringing bacon to your Dunkin' Breakfast Sandwich. Bacon with egg and cheese, can you say, "Yum!".

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