Cara Untuk Memasak Omurice yang luar biasa

Omurice. Omurice, or Omuraisu as it's pronounced in Japan, is a portmanteau of "Omelette" and "Rice." It's unclear where the dish originated, but in Japan, Omurice is considered yōshoku(western food), and it was probably created around the turn of the last century when western-style cafes became popular. Omurice or omu-rice (オムライス, Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelet made with fried rice and thin, fried scrambled eggs, usually topped with ketchup. It is a popular dish both commonly cooked at home and often found at western style diners in Japan.

Omurice Omurice is a Japanese word for "omelet and rice" and is an omelet wrapped around fried rice and topped with ketchup–a perfect example of Western influence on Japanese cuisine. In Japan, you will find omurice cooked at home and served at Western-style diners. Today's recipe is Omurice, or Japanese Omelette Rice. Bunda dapat menyiapkan Omurice menggunakan 12 bumbu dan dalam 9 tahapan. Begini cara mamasak makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Omurice

  1. Siapkan 2 cup of beras atau 2 piring nasi.
  2. Bunda dapat 3 siung of bawang putih cincang halus.
  3. Bunda dapat 1/2 of bawang bombay uk. besar.
  4. Ini 6 lembar of bacon/ sosis sapi.
  5. Ini 1 buah of wortel potong dadu.
  6. Bunda dapat of keju cheddar potong dadu (opsional).
  7. Bunda dapat 4 butir of telur ayam.
  8. Siapkan secukupnya of Garam.
  9. Ini secukupnya of Gula.
  10. Siapkan of Saus tomat.
  11. Siapkan secukupnya of Lada.
  12. Siapkan of Olive oil.

I received a lot of requests from readers for this recipe and I was a bit surprised how popular this dish is. At most Japanese restaurants we have in the Bay Area, Omurice is not even on the menu, but I think this dish is pretty well-known and popular in Asian countries outside of Japan. Japan's omurice, which also goes by the names omumeshi and omuraisu, is an addictive dish of fried rice with an omelette. It's surprisingly easy to make at home.

Instruksi Omurice

  1. Masukkan bacon lebih dulu, masak setengah matang. Lalu masukkan bawang bombay, bawang putih cacah tumis sampai harum..
  2. Tambahkan garam dan lada. Masukkan wortel, masak sampai layu..
  3. Tambahkan nasi yang sudah disiapkan. Aduk sampai bumbu merata. Masukkan saus tomat sampai kira-kira nasi berwarna merah. Untuk yang suka pedas, bisa tambahkan saus sambal sedikit..
  4. Masak sampai nasi setengah kering. Cicipi, koreksi rasa. Kalau sudah pas, sisihkan..
  5. Untuk omeletnya, kocok telur dengan gula. Jangan sampai berbusa, hanya sampai gula tercampur rata saja..
  6. Siapkan wajan anti lengket. Panaskan dengan minyak goreng sedikit, ratakan minyak menggunakan tisu dapur karena omeletnya tidak boleh terlalu banyak minyak. Setelah panas, masukkan adonan telur setengah ke wajan. Ratakan ke seluruh wajan. Masak dengan api super kecil.
  7. Setelah telur terlihat matang atau tidak ada cairan lagi, angkat..
  8. Untuk penyajian, letakkan nasi goreng di piring. Tambahkan keju cheddar yang sudah dipotong dadu kecil di antara nasi. Lalu tutup dengan omelet. Karena saya masak untuk bekal, jadi saya masukkan ke tempat makan..
  9. Selamat mencoba!.
BACA JUGA  Resep: Nasi Goreng Keju yang Yummy

Here are two recipes—one with ketchup, the other with okonomiyaki sauce—to get you started. Omurice (オムライス, Omu-raisu) is a Japanese cuisine consisting of ketchup-based fried rice and omelet. The word omurice is the portmanteau of two words – omelet and rice. Omurice (オムライス) is a loanword from both Omelette (omuretsu, オム レツ) and Rice (raisu, ライス). In this recipe, fried rice is seasoned with sweet and sour flavor of ketchup and tomato puree, and tucked inside a thin blanket of golden fluffy omelette.

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