Bagaimana Cara Mengolah Inkigayo Sandwich yang Sempurna

Inkigayo Sandwich. We Tried Out The K-Pop Sandwich That People Have Been Talking About. "No one's allowed to eat in the waiting rooms [at the Inkigayo studios], so all the performing artists always wind up eating in. Trendy Korean sandwich made for popular idol pop stars. Three yummy layers of creamy potato salad, strawberry jam and crunchy cabbage salad slabbed in between slices of soft bread.

Inkigayo Sandwich Let's learn how to make the trending Inkigayo sandwich in your own kitchen! We will be following the recipe from this Korean blog. Inkigayo Sandwich (de la Serna`s YouTube Channel)The sandwich was first made by the owner of K-pop stars have heaped praise on the "Inkigayo sandwich" made with salad and strawberry jam. Bunda dapat menyiapkan Inkigayo Sandwich menggunakan 12 bumbu dan dalam 7 tahapan. Begini cara mengolah makanannya.

Bahan-bahan Yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Inkigayo Sandwich

  1. Bunda dapat menyiapkan sebanyak Salad Kentang :.
  2. Gunakan 1 buah sebanyak telur rebus.
  3. Gunakan 1 buah sebanyak kentang, potong2 & rebus.
  4. Siapkan 1 buah sebanyak crab stik, iris2 tipis/disuwir2.
  5. Bunda dapat menyiapkan sebanyak salad sayur :.
  6. Gunakan 50 gr sebanyak kubis, iris2 tipis.
  7. Bunda dapat menyiapkan 50 gr sebanyak wortel (1 biji wortel yg kecil), iris2 tipis.
  8. Bunda dapat menyiapkan 6 sdm sebanyak mayones.
  9. Siapkan 1 sdm sebanyak susu kental manis.
  10. Gunakan sebanyak (campur mayones + SKM).
  11. Gunakan 4 lembar sebanyak roti tawar.
  12. Gunakan sebanyak selai strawberry.

Famous Korean TV show "Inkigayo" has been getting recognition for their unique "Idol Sandwich" What could this secret magical food possibly be? Well. it's none other than the Inkigayo Sandwich. Inkigayo Sandwich is one of the foods that is only sold in the canteen of the Inkigayo music program aired on SBS TV. This sandwich is very popular among Korean idols.

Instruksi Untuk Inkigayo Sandwich

  1. Awalnya kita bikin Salad Kentangnya. Setelah telur matang, kita hancurkan telurnya, Bisa juga diparut, pakai parutan keju, Lalu setelah kentang matang, dihancurkan dan dicampurkan bareng telur yg sudah dihancurkan, Masukkan juga Crab Stik yg sudah disuwir2. Lalu masukkan campuran mayones & SKM, Setelah tercampur semua, masukkan kulkas sambil kita membuat Salad Sayur,.
  2. Salad Sayur : Iris tipis wortel & Kubis. Lalu campurkan dengan campuran mayones + SKM, Aduk rata,.
  3. Susunan Sandwich : Susunan pertama, roti tawar 1 beri Salad Kentang. Lalu tutup dengan roti tawar ke 2..
  4. Roti tawar ke 2, beri Salad Sayur. tutup & susun dengan roti tawar ke 3..
  5. Olesi roti tawar ke 3 dengan selai strawberry. Lalu tutup dengan roti tawar ke 4,.
  6. Langkah terakhir, iris pinggiran roti. Lalu bungkus dengan plastik wrap dan masukkan kulkas selama 30 menit supaya dingin & firm..
  7. Lalu iris menjadi 2 dan sajikan,.
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The Inkigayo sandwich is officially an inside joke to all exo-ls!! I don't totally understand what this Inkigayo sandwich is. Like I know it's a actual sandwich but like have idols actually put their phone. Thank you for your support and see you in future with more delicious treat. Do you guys know about the Inkigayo sandwiches?

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