Donut. Meaning of donut in English. donut. Even if they're just donuts, hotel breakfasts comfort us because we get to eat them as our private morning selves, before life forces us outdoors. Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts.

Donut From coffee, donuts, sandwiches and more, Dunkin'® has everything you need to keep on running. Therefore making them a human donut. donut. When you punch through someones stomach or chest creating a hole. You can cook Donut using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Donut

  1. Prepare 1,5 Cups of Susu hangat.
  2. It’s 1/2 Cups of Gula Pasir.
  3. You need 1 sachet of Ragi Instant.
  4. Prepare 100 gr of Mentega cair.
  5. Prepare 3 Butir of Telor.
  6. It’s 4,5 Cups of Terigu.
  7. You need 1/2 of SdkT Garam.
  8. It’s 500 gr of Gula halus utk taburan.

Donut encourages trust, collaboration, and good will across your team and organization. Create an automated coffee or lunch roulette program instantly for your Slack team. Alteration of doughnut, from dough +‎ nut. Rhymes: -ʌt. donut (plural donuts). (American spelling, Canadian spelling) A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly made in a toroidal or ellipsoidal shape. donut Существительное. donut / donuts.

Donut step by step

  1. Susu hangat + Gula + Ragi Instant. Diamkan selama 10 menit…. jgn diaduk aduk ya..
  2. Mentega cairkan dan diamkan sampai hangat.
  3. Pecahkan 3 telur kedlm mangkuk besar. Kocok selama 5 menit.
  4. Masukan mentega ke dlm kocokan telur, lalu Terigu, Garam lalu Susu… Aduk rata sampai adonan kalis. Lalu tutup adonan dgn cling wrap dan simpan kedlm kulkas selama 3 jam atau sampai adonan mengembang..
  5. Ambil adonan 35 gram… bulat2kan dan istirahatkan selama 1 jam atau sampai mengembang..
  6. Siapkan wajan dan minyak. Sambil menunggu minyak panas kita cetak bulatan2 adonan tadi menjadi donut. Lalu goreng sampai warnanya kuning kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. Setelah donat dingin taburi donut dgn tepung gula. Dan Donut siap dihidangkan utk teman minum teh. Selamat mencoba. Inshaa Alloh Donut nya renyah :).
BACA JUGA  Resep: Donat fluffy Yang Yummy

Define donut. donut synonyms, donut pronunciation, donut translation, English dictionary definition of donut. n. Donuts quiere que comiences el día con la mejor sonrisa del mundo porque… "un día sin sonrisa, es un día perdido" – Charles Chaplin. DONUT. Последние твиты от Donut (@Donut). Donut is looking for full-time Software Engineers and a part-time Customer Support Specialist. Do you play The Simpsons: Tapped out?

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