Cara Termudah Untuk Menyiapkan Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk Yang Menggugah Selera

Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk. Find Deals on Chicken Popcorn in Snack Food on Amazon. We Are the Largest Online Restaurant Supplier Serving Restaurants and Individuals. Popcorn chicken recipe – Learn to make crunchy kfc style popcorn chicken at home with this simple and quick recipe.

Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk To make popcorn chicken, start by cutting some skinless chicken breasts into bite-size pieces. Next, combine flour, salt, baking powder, cayenne pepper, dried oregano, ground turmeric, onion powder, and black pepper in a bag. To be honest, to me the original recipe tasted very plain and had no flavor. Bunda dapat menyiapkan Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk menggunakan 10 bumbu dan dalam 3 tahapan. Begini cara menyiapkan masakannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk

  1. Ini of Bahan ayam.
  2. Ini 300 gr of dada ayam.
  3. Ini 1 bungkus of tepung bumbu serbaguna.
  4. Siapkan 50 ml of air.
  5. Siapkan of Bahan Nasi.
  6. Ini 4 mangkuk of nasi putih.
  7. Ini 5 siung of bawang putih.
  8. Bunda dapat 8 helai of daun jeruk.
  9. Ini 3 sdm of mentega.
  10. Siapkan Secukupnya of garam dan penyedap rasa.

There was barely any salt/ pepper taste. So I customized the recipe, added more Salt, Black & Cayanne Pepper, Red Chilli Powder, some more Garlic Powder in the flour and added some more Lemon Juice in the egg. If the oil temp go too low , your chicken popcorn will soak up a lot of oil and it wont be crispy and the taste is not that good. In another medium bowl, whisk eggs, milk, and hot sauce.

Langkah-langkah Chicken Popcorn & Nasi Daun Jeruk

  1. Buat ayam : Bersihkan ayam, sisihkan tulangnya dan potong dadu. Buat tepung di 2 tempat, pertama cairkan dengan air sampai kental. Kedua tepung kering. Balurkan ayam sesuai urutan.
  2. Siapkan minyak goreng panas. Goreng hingga golden brown. Tiriskan.
  3. Buat nasi : panaskan mentega, lalu masukan bawang putih hingga wangi. Lanjut sangrai daun jeruk. Matikan api. Terakhir masukan nasi tabur garam dan penyedap rasa, aduk aduk. Beres dan hidangkan 💛.
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Shake excess flour off the chicken. Dip chicken in the egg mixture, then coat in the flour mixture left in the bowl. Top with ½ cup dill and chives. > Crispy homemade popcorn chicken at home. This easy recipe and collection of popcorn chicken dipping sauce will have you craving more! You'd think KFC invented popcorn chicken.

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