Resep: Donut Yang Lezat Sekali

Donut. Meaning of donut in English. donut. Even if they're just donuts, hotel breakfasts comfort us because we get to eat them as our private morning selves, before life forces us outdoors. With so many varieties, there's a favorite Donuts.

Donut When you punch through someones stomach or chest creating a hole. Donut encourages trust, collaboration, and good will across your team and organization. Create an automated coffee or lunch roulette program instantly for your Slack team. You can have Donut using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Donut

  1. Prepare 250 gr of tepung cakra.
  2. It’s 30 gr of gula pasir.
  3. Prepare 1 1/2 sdt of ragi instan.
  4. Prepare 2 butir of kuning telur.
  5. You need 130 ml of susu UHT dingin.
  6. Prepare 40 gr of margarine.
  7. It’s 1/4 sdt of garam.
  8. You need of Toping:.
  9. Prepare Secukupnya of coklat block, dilelehkan (saya pakai Collata).
  10. Prepare Secukupnya of meses.

Tam ölçülü orijinal donut tarifleri, krema dolgulu, çikolatalı Amerikan donut tarifleri fırında, yağda kızaran donut ve berliner tarifleri Nefis Yemek Tariflerinde. Alteration of doughnut, from dough +‎ nut. Rhymes: -ʌt. donut (plural donuts). (American spelling, Canadian spelling) A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly made in a toroidal or ellipsoidal shape. donut Существительное. donut / donuts. Donuts quiere que comiences el día con la mejor sonrisa del mundo porque… "un día sin sonrisa, es un día perdido" – Charles Chaplin. Последние твиты от Donut (@Donut).

Donut step by step

  1. Masukan tepung, gula, ragi, aduk rata dengan spatula/sendok kayu. Masukan kuning telur dan susu sedikit demi sedikit. Mixer selama 5 – 10 menit..
  2. Kalau sudah tercampur, tapi belum begitu kalis, masukan margarin dan garam. Mixer sampai kalis. Adonan kelihatan mulus, dan jika direntangkan, adonan tidak mudah robek. Setelah kalis, pindahkan adonan ke wadah bersih. Tutup dengan serbet bersih. Biarkan selama 40 – 60 menit..
  3. Setelah 40 – 60 menit, bagi2 adonan @35 gr. Tutup lagi dengan serbet. Tunggu selama 30 menit..
  4. Setelah mengembang, pipihkan pelan2, kemudian lubangi bagian tengah adonan. Tutup lagi adonan, tunggu 20 menit. Baru kemudian digoreng. Goreng 1 sisi dulu, kemudian dibalik, angkat. Beri topping sesuai selera..
  5. Lelehkan coklat batang. Beri meses diatasnya. Selamat menikmati 😋.
BACA JUGA  Resep: Donat Kampung Yang Yummy

Donut is looking for full-time Software Engineers and a part-time Customer Support Specialist. Define donut. donut synonyms, donut pronunciation, donut translation, English dictionary definition of donut. n. Do you play The Simpsons: Tapped out? Homemade Donuts that taste like what you get at the local bakery, but you can make them at home This easy donut recipe is perfect for a quick weekend treat and it's always sure to satisfy those sweet. Donuts (or doughnuts) are pastries (usually fried), sometimes coated with sugar, glaze, or frosting.

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