Bagaimana Cara Membuat Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis Yang Lezat Sekali

Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis. Popcorn chicken is a dish consisting of small, bite-sized pieces of chicken that have been breaded and fried, and was originally developed by KFC. Popcorn chicken was invented by food technologist Gene Gagliardi. Popcorn chicken recipe – Learn to make crunchy kfc style popcorn chicken at home with this Popcorn chicken is much popular in every part of the world and makes its presence on the menus of.

Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis Make your own batter-coated, crispy fried popcorn chicken at home; this quick and easy recipe is Dip the chicken pieces into the flour mixture, then the egg mixture, and again into the flour mixture. A type of Korean fried chicken! It's crunchy and coated with sticky, sweet, tangy and spicy sauce! Bunda dapat menyiapkan Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis menggunakan 8 bumbu dan dalam 5 tahapan. Begini cara mamasak masakannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis

  1. Bunda dapat 1 of Terong Ungu (potong-potong serong).
  2. Ini of Ayam tanpa tulang (Potong kecil-kecil).
  3. Ini of Bawang Bombay.
  4. Siapkan 1 butir of Telur.
  5. Siapkan 1 bungkus of tepung sajiku.
  6. Siapkan 1 botol kecil of saus tomat.
  7. Ini 1 gelas of air.
  8. Ini of Tepung maizena (untuk mengentalkan).

Popcorn chicken is a tasty, crispy way to enjoy juicy, white meat chicken. Cut into bite size pieces But instead of running out to a fast food restaurant for popcorn chicken, you can make it at home. Satisfy your KFC popcorn chicken cravings sitting at home with these KFC Style Spicy Popcorn Chicken bites that are so close to the real thing and are healthier! Hard to resist ever popular popcorn chicken, infused by Umami packed Karaage chicken flavour.

BACA JUGA  Resep: Ayam kfc crispy kriuk Yang Menggugah Selera

Langkah-langkah Chicken Popcorn&Terong Crispy Asem Manis

  1. Celupkan terong dan ayam yang sudah di potong-potong ke dalam telur yang sudah di kocok, kemudian gulingkan ke tepung sajiku sambil di remas.
  2. Goreng terong dan ayam yang sudah di Balut tepung.
  3. Untuk kuah asem manis nya, campurkan air, saus tomat, bawang bombay dan masak hingga tercampur rata dan mendidih.
  4. Setelah kuah mendidih tambahkan tepung maizena yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air.
  5. Setelah kuah mengental, jadi deh kuah asem manis nya. Tinggal siram di atas terong dan ayam yang sudah di goreng tadi..

What to season popcorn chicken with? What are the KFC secret herbs and spices? I am sure everybody loves these crunchy little chicken bits. What I am sharing today is a Taiwanese version. I will show you my secret on how to make the chicken extra crispy on the outside and juicy.

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