Cara Termudah Untuk Membuat Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts Yang Menggugah Selera

Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts. These Italian Donuts better known as a Bomboloni are made with a soft yeast dough and filled with your favourite pastry cream filling. My first experience with eating a Bomboloni was an evening out with friends. It all started out as a walk along the boardwalk and then.

Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts It is rumored that the name comes from the donuts shape and high calories ("calorie bomb"). They are definitely a famous and delicious dessert! Using slotted spoon, scoop out donuts and drop into cinnamon sugar. You can cook Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts

  1. You need of Bahan biang :.
  2. Prepare 170 ml of susu hangat.
  3. You need 1 sdm of gula pasir.
  4. You need 1 sdt of ragi instan.
  5. You need of Bahan lainnya:.
  6. Prepare 350 gram of Tepung Terigu Prot. Tinggi.
  7. You need 60 gram of gula pasir.
  8. Prepare 1 butir of telur.
  9. Prepare 2 sdm of susu bubuk.
  10. You need 45 gram of Butter.
  11. You need of Bahan filling:.
  12. It’s Secukupnya of Nutella.
  13. It’s of Bahan taburan :.
  14. You need Secukupnya of gula halus.

Bomboloni are Italian filled doughnuts primarily connected to the Tuscany region, but they may have origins in Austria. In some parts of Italy, they are called bomba or bombe meaning "bomb," because they resemble a small grenade. Italian Donuts Donut Recipes Nutella Doughnuts Breads Oc Sweet Treats Food Porn March. Their brand new EXCELLENCE Roasted Hazelnut Bar makes the filling for these Chocolate Hazelnut Cream Doughnuts smooth, rich, and just a little bit crunchy.

Bomboloni aka Italian Donuts step by step

  1. Campur bahan biang, aduk hingga tercampur lalu tunggu hingga ragi aktif / berbuih.
  2. Siapkan wadah, masukkan terigu, telur, gula pasir dan susu bubuk. Setelah itu masukkan ragi yg sudah berbuih sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Setelah itu masukkan butter aduk hingga tercampur rata saja.
  3. Adonan memang lengket yh jgn diberi terigu lagi, biarkan saja. Tutup adonan menggunakan kain / serbet lalu Proofing adonan sekitar 30-45 menit / hingga mengembang 2x lipat.
  4. Setelah di proofing tinju adonan agar gas nya bisa keluar, lalu pindahkan adonan ke silmat / ke meja yg telah ditaburi terigu, pipihkan lalu potong dan timbang. Saya potong menjadi 14 buah @50gr bulatkan. Lalu proofing lg sekitar 10-15menit.
  5. Setelah di proofing adonan akan sedikit mengembang, tekan bagian atasnya sampai agak pipih.
  6. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang, lalu goreng hingga matang. Sekali balik saja yh agar tidak menyerap minyak, angkat lalu tiriskan.
  7. Lubangi bagian samping donat dengan sumpit, lalu beri filling nutella yg sudah dimasukkan kedalam pipping bag, isi hingga lubang donat terisi penuh.
  8. Setelah donat diberi filling, tata donat di piring saji lalu beri taburan gula halus. Bomboloni pun siap disajikann..
BACA JUGA  Resep: Donat bomboloni Yang Enak

They are the Italian cousins of the American cream-filled doughnut. They taste their best served fresh and warm. For holidays and special occasions, I like to make the pastries and the Cover the top with plastic wrap so that it does not form a skin. Refrigerate until the bomboloni are ready to be filled. A bombolone (Italian: [bomboˈloːne], pl. bomboloni) is an Italian filled doughnut (similar to the Berliner, krafne, etc.) and is eaten as a snack food and dessert.

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