Resep: Papanashi (Cheese donuts) Yang Sempurna

Papanashi (Cheese donuts). Both kind of papanasi are made with the Romanian branza de vaci, which means cow's cheese. Branza de vaci is a fresh kind of cheese, low in fat and high in proteines. With a fork, mix the cheese, sugar, vanilla extract and lemon zest.

Papanashi (Cheese donuts) They are similar to a fried donut that is topped with a donut ball, and served with lots of sour cream and jam. You will find papanasi in any Romanian restaurant, and anywhere else where traditional Romanian food is served. Papanasi is a popular Romanian dessert, which is a delicate cottage cheese donuts served with sour cream and jam, mostly with blackcurrant. You can cook Papanashi (Cheese donuts) using 11 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Papanashi (Cheese donuts)

  1. Prepare of Cheese donuts.
  2. It’s 250 gr of keju ricotta.
  3. It’s 15 gr of gula vanili.
  4. You need 1 btr of telur.
  5. Prepare 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
  6. You need 1 sdt of orange extract.
  7. You need 180 gr of tepung terigu.
  8. It’s 20 gr of tepung terigu untuk baluran.
  9. Prepare of Sauce.
  10. Prepare secukupnya of Vanila yoghurt (tergantung selera).
  11. You need secukupnya of Selai strawbery (tergantung selera).

Let the mixture rest for one hour in the fridge but take it out of the fridge at least half an hour before frying the doughnuts. Reteta de papanasi prajiti este una dintre preferatele mele. Stiu ca spun asta la multe dintre retetele mele, insa am foarte multe retete care imi plac, iar aceasta este una dintre ele. How to make Cheese Donuts (PAPANASI) Video Recipe

Papanashi (Cheese donuts) step by step

  1. Masukkan keju ricotta, telur, orange extract, gula vanili, baking soda campur merata. (Note: kalau kejunya masih mengandung air, buang dulu airnya yaa).
  2. Tambahkan tepung terigu. Campur merata..
  3. Diamkan selama kurang lebih 10 menit. Tutup serbet agar tidak kering..
  4. Balur tangan dengan tepung, ambil sedikit adonannya, lalu bentuk bola bulat. Dan ambil lagi adonannya agak lebih banyak, lalu bentuk bola lalu tekan bagian tengahnya atau bolongin bolanya menyerupai bentuk donat pada umumnya..
  5. Siapkan penggorengan. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang. Goreng adonan yang sudah di bentuk tadi..
  6. Jika sudah matang atau warna kecoklatan merata, angkat dan tiriskan. Lalu tata diatas piring, di sajikan bersama saucenya..
  7. Tata kue yang berbentuk donut lubang tengah di atas piring lalu siram yoghurt vanila di atasnya dan di ikuti selai strawbery lalu letakkan kue yang berbentuk bola di atasnya lalu disiram yoghurt dan selai juga. Selamat mencoba..
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Divide the dough in six equal parts. How to Cook Romanian Cheese Doughnuts (Papanasi) Add the eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Set up your mixer and mix until the sugar has been absorbed. Add the lemon zest, vanilla extract, cream cheese, flour, and lemon juice. Mix with a spatula until you obtain a smooth, silky dough.

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